نیک فایل

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

نیک فایل

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

تحقیق درموردمتن انگلیسی ضرب المثل انگلیسی به همراه معادل فارسی

اختصاصی از نیک فایل تحقیق درموردمتن انگلیسی ضرب المثل انگلیسی به همراه معادل فارسی دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

لینک دانلود و خرید پایین توضیحات

فرمت فایل word  و قابل ویرایش و پرینت

تعداد صفحات: 34


ضرب‌المثل‌های انگلیسی به همراه معادل فارسی

"A poor workman blames his tools."

ترجمه: «کارگر بی‌مهارت، ابزار کارش را مقصر می‌داند.»

متراف فارسی: «عروس نمی‌توانست برقصد، می‌گفت زمین ناهموار است.»

"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."

ترجمه«یک پرنده‌ در دست، بهتر از دوتا روی درخت است.»

مترادف فارسی: «سرکه نقد به از حلوای نسیه.»

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder."

ترجمه: «دوری باعث علاقمندی می شود.»

مترادف فارسی: «دوری و دوستی.»

"A cat may look at a king."

ترجمه: «شاید که گربه به شاهی نظر کند.»

مترادف فارسی: «به اسب شاه گفته یابو.»

"A chain is no stronger than its weakest link."

ترجمه: «استحکام زنجیر به اندازه ضعیف‌ترین حلقه آن است.» ویلیام شکسپیر در نمایش‌نامه ژولیوس سزار

"A coward dies a thousand times before his death. The valiant never taste of death but once."

ترجمه: «ترسو هزاربار پیش از مرگ می‌میرد. آدم نترس فقط یکبار مزه مرگ را می‌چشد.»

مترادف فارسی: «ترس برادر مرگ است.»

مترادف فارسی: «ترسو مرد!»

"A creaking door hangs longest." and "A creaking gate hangs long."

ترجمه: «دری که غژغژ می‌کند عمرش بیشتر است.»

"Actions speak louder than words."

ترجمه: «صدای عمل رساتر از حرف است.»

مترادف فارسی: «به عمل کار برآید به سخندانی نیست.»

"Advice when most needed is least heeded."

ترجمه: «هرجا که پند و اندرز لازم آید، کمتر گوش شنوا است»

"A fool and his money are easily parted."

ترجمه: «احمق و پولش به راحتی از هم جداشدنی هستند»

مشابه فارسی:"تا ابله در جهانه، مفلس در نمیماند"

"A fox smells its own lair first." and " A fox smells its own stink first."

ترجمه: «روباه بوی گندش را زودتر از دیگران استشمام می‌کند»

مترادف فارسی: «چوب را که بلند کنی، گربه دزده فرار می‌کند»

"A friend in need is a friend indeed."

ترجمه: «به هنگام نیاز، دوست واقعی شناخته می‌شود.»

مترادف فارسی: «دوست آن باشد که گیرد دست دوست// در پریشان‌حالی و درماندگی»

"After a storm comes a calm."

ترجمه: «پس از طوفان، آرامش گسترده می‌گردد.»

مشابه فارسی: «بعد از خشم پشیمانی است»

"After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile."

ترجمه: «بعد از نهار کمی استراحت کنید، بعد از شام یک کیلومتر راه بروید.»

"A good beginning makes a good ending."

ترجمه: «یک شروع خوب، پایان خوبی در پی دارد.»

خلاف فارسی: «خشت اول چون نهد معمار کج// تا ثریا می رود دیوار کج» مولوی

"A good man in an evil society seems the greatest villain of all."

ترجمه: «انسان نیک در جمع اشرار، شریرترین آن‌ها به نظر می‌رسد.»

"A good surgeon has an eagle's eye, a lion's heart, and a lady's hand."

ترجمه: «یک جراح خوب دارای چشمی همانند عقاب، دلی مثل شیر و دستی زنانه است.»

"A guilty conscience needs no accuser."

ترجمه: «یک وجدان گناه‌کار به سرزنش دیگران محتاج نیست»

"A jack of all trades is master of none."

ترجمه: «کسی که همه‌کار انجام می‌دهد استاد هیچ‌کاری نیست.»

مترادف فارسی: « همه‌کاره و هیچ‌کاره.»

"A lie has no legs."

ترجمه: «دروغ پا ندارد.»

مترادف فارسی: «دروغگو تا در خانه‌اش.»

"A lie can be halfway around the world before the truth gets its boots on."

ترجمه: «حقیقت تا چکمه‌هایش را بپوشد، دروغ نیمی از جهان را دور زده است.» منسوب به وینستون چرچیل

"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing."

ترجمه: «دانش ناقص خطرناک است.»

مترادف فارسی: «نیم‌طبیب خطر جان، نیم‌فقیه خطر ایمان»

تمثیل: «دوکس دشمن ملک و دینند یکی پادشاه بی حلم و دیگری زاهد بی علم» سعدی

تمثیل: «آن‌که نداند رقمی بهر نام// به ز فقیهی که بود ناتمام» امیر خسرو

"A merry heart makes a long life."

ترجمه: «دل‌شاد بودن، عمر انسان را طولانی می‌کند.»

A miss by an inch is a miss by a mile.

ترجمه: «لغزش در عمل چه یک اینچ، چه یک مایل.»

مترادف فارسی: «آب که از سر گذشت چه یک وجب چه صد وجب»

"A penny saved is a penny earned." منسوب به فرانکلین

ترجمه: «هر پول سیاهی که پس‌انداز شود، سودی است که کسب شده است.»

مترادف: «قطره قطره است وانگهی دریا»

"A person is known by the company he keeps."

ترجمه: «شخص به اطرافیانش شناخته می شود»

مترادف فارسی: «تو اول بگو با کیان دوستی// پس‌آنگه بگویم که تو کیستی» سعدی

"A picture is worth a thousand words."

ترجمه: «تصویر از هزاران جمله گویاتر است»

مترادف فارسی: «زلیخا گفتن و یوسف شنیدن// شنیدن کی بود مانند دیدن»

"A pot of milk is ruined by a drop of poison."

ترجمه: «یک بادیه پر از شیر به قطره‌ای زهر، فاسد می‌گردد»

"A rolling stone gathers no moss."

ترجمه: «بر سنگ غلطان سبزه نروید»

مترادف فارسی: «که بر سنگ گردان نروید نبات» سعدی

"A sound mind in a sound body."

ترجمه: «مغز سالم در بدن سالم»

اصل لاتینی: «mens sana in corpore sano»

مترادف فارسی: «عقل سالم در بدن سالم است»

منسوب به بنیامین فرانکلین "A stitch in time saves nine."

ترجمه: «یک ضربه بموقع، باعث صرفه‌جویی در نه ضربه دیگر است»

مترادف فارسی: «یک ضربه کاری از ضربات بعدی جلوگیری می‌کند»

"All cats love fish but hate to get their paws wet."

ترجمه: «هر گربه‌ای ماهی را دوست دارد اما از اینکه پنجولش خیس شود بیزار است»

"All flowers are not in one garland."

ترجمه: «هیچ گلستانی تمام انواع گل‌ها را ندارد»

مترادف فارسی: «گل بی‌علت و بی‌عیب خداست» پروین اعتصامی

"All frills and no knickers."

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تعداد صفحات: 6



Fundamental Rights in the Estonian Constitution.

Robert Alexypp. 5-96


The basic rights in the Constitution of Estonia of 28 June 1992 are the subject of this book. The point of departure, elaborated in Chapter 1, is the idea of a comprehensive theory of basic rights, which treats the basic rights of national constitutions as well as the human rights in international convenants as parts of a greater enterprise directed toward the institutionalisation of practical reason at the national, supranational, and international level. A fundamental question for all catalogues of basic rights is their bindingness or normativity. Basic rights have fully binding force only if their violation can be controlled by courts. Without judicial control – including constitutional review – basic rights are not actually institutionalised, which is to say that they do not really exist. Chapter 2 analyzes the ways in which basic rights are protected by the Estonian Constitution. The conclusion is that the Estonian basic rights have fully binding force. Basic rights are essentially individual rights, and they have the character of claim rights. The counterparts of claims are obligations. In the Estonian Constitution, as in many other constitutions, some basic rights are expressed by imposing duties on the state. This leads to the much discussed problem of the subjectivity and objectivity of basic rights. They are subjective insofar as they grant claims to individuals. They are merely objective if they only impose duties on the state without granting power to individuals to raise claims with respect to the fulfillment of those duties. Objectivity is compatible with normativity, but not with the idea of individualism. The analysis developed in Chapter 3 shows that the basic rights of the Estonian Constitution have a nearly complete subjective character. The Estonian Constitution contains not only basic rights but also basic duties. In Chapter 4 it is shown that both rights and duties form a system. The basic duties can be comprehended as limitations of basic rights. The problem of limitation or restriction is one of the greatest problems of basic rights. The problem is discussed in Chapter 5, the longest chapter of the book. It is demonstrated that the rather complex regulations of the Estonian Constitution can be brought into a system, the core of which is the principle of proportionality. This principle is not only the archimedian point of the system of basic rights from a theoretical standpoint. It also plays a central role in the adjudication of the constitutional courts of many European countries as well as in the adjudication of the Court of the European Union in Luxembourg and the European Court for Human Rights in Stra?ourg. One of the main distinctions in the theory of basic rights is that between general or abstract and special or concrete rights. In Chapters 6 and 7, it is shown that this distinction applies aptly to the Estonian Constitution, which grants a general right to freedom and a general right to equality together with many special freedoms and special prohibitions against discrimination. Freedom and equality are the classical topics of basic rights catalogues. No modern catalogue can do without them. This shows that freedom and equality have an intractable place in basic rights catalogues. Modern catalogues must, however, contain more. Usually, this additional content appears in the text of constitutions, if at all, either in a fragmentary or in an extensive but unsystematic form. At first glance, the latter seems to be the case in the Estonian Constitution. The examination carried out in Chapter 8, however, shows that the Estonian Constitution can boast of an impressive modernity here. It contains not only the two classical general rights, namely to freedom and equality, but also – reflecting the new dimensions of basic rights – three further general rights: the general right to protection, the general right to procedure and organization, and the general right to support. With an eye to these three new general basic rights, it can be said that the Estonian Constitution is one of the most modern

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تعداد صفحات: 4


Public transport

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Bangkok Skytrain.



1 In general

2 History

3 Modern public transport

3.1 Road

3.2 Rail

3.3 Water

3.4 Air

3.5 Sloped or vertical

3.6 Transport Interchanges

4 Public transport vs. cars in different countries

5 Environmental impact

6 Economic impact

7 Increase of Real Estate Value around transit stations

8 Funding

8.1 Hong Kong

8.2 United States

9 Ticket systems

9.1 Multi-use tickets

9.2 Electronic fare card

9.3 Free systems

9.4 Free travel pass

10 Transit-for-all

11 Social and Culture Issues

11.1 Food & drink

11.2 Noise

11.3 Safety

11.4 Sleeping

11.5 Smoking

11.6 Public Transport as Tourist Attractions

12 Emerging technologies

13 See also

14 References

15 External links

Public transport, public transportation, public transit or mass transit comprise all transport systems in which the passengers do not travel in their own vehicles. While the above terms are generally taken to include rail and bus services, wider definitions might include scheduled airline services, ferries, taxicab services etc. — any system that transports members of the general public. A further restriction that is sometimes applied is that transit should occur in continuously shared vehicles, which would exclude taxis that are not shared-ride taxis.

The term public transport is preferred in the British Isles and most Commonwealth countries, whereas public transportation, public transit or mass transit are used most often in North America. The term transit is less likely to include long-distance forms of public transportation, such as long-distance or commuter railroads, inter-city buses, or intercity railways.

Public transport is usually regulated as a common carrier and is usually configured to provide scheduled service on fixed routes on a non-reservation basis. The majority of transit passengers are traveling within a local area or region between their homes and places of employment, shopping, or schools.[citation needed]

[edit] In general

In many parts of the western world the private car currently dominates, however in major western urban areas with good public transport systems and where the private car ownership and use is discouraged, and also in the developing world, where private car ownership is prohibitively expensive, then walking, (motor)cycling, and public transport offer well-used alternatives. Many modern cities are investing in public transport initiatives to increase the attractiveness and usage of public transport. A popular transport mode in the developing world, and increasingly in the western world, is the share taxi (mini-bus, jitney etc) that run on flexible or semi-flexible routes.

Public transport can offer significant advantages in areas with higher population densities, due to its smaller physical and environmental footprint per rider and the problems associated with mass private car ownership and use (high parking charges and high levels of traffic congestion).

However, road-based public transport risks being considerably slower than private vehicles if it get held up in general traffic congestion and to compound this scheduled transport vehicles have to make frequent stops to board additional passengers and an individual trip may require one or more transfers. Transport Authorities wishing to increase the attractiveness and use of public transport often respond by increasing use of dedicated or semi-dedicated travel lanes (grade-separated, elevated, or depressed rights-of-way) and traffic light preempts and many other measures.

The term rapid transit, is often used to distinguish modes of transit possessing a dedicated right of way and having frequent, continuous service. Still, rapid transit often fails to live up to the name, as there are no firm guidelines as to how fast transit must be to be rapid.[1] Light rail is another form of public transit, comprising of a tram or trolley operating on a rail line.

[edit] History


Early trolley car in Newton, Massachusetts.

Conveyances for public hire are as old as the first ferries, and the earliest public transport was water transport, for on land people walked or rode an animal. This form of transport is part of Greek mythology — corpses in ancient Greece were always buried with a coin underneath their tongue to pay the ferryman Charon to take them to Hades.

Some historical forms of public transport are the stagecoach, traveling a fixed route from inn to inn, and the horse-drawn boat carrying paying passengers, which was a feature of canals from their 17th-century origins.

The omnibus, the first organized public transit system within a city, appears to have originated in Nantes, France, in 1826.

[edit] Modern public transport

Public transportation can usefully be classified in a variety of ways. Firstly by the required infrastructure (Road, rail, water and air). Alternatively by whether vehicles are used simultaneously by strangers (buses and trains) or not (taxi, car-hire, bicycle hire). Finally systems by the applicability of a fixed timetable or flexible routing and timing. In reality none of these classifications can be rigidly applied; there are vehicles that operate across different infrastructure (such as the guided bus), they are systems that are sometimes private and sometimes shared with strangers (various shared taxi services) and finally their are vehicles that run on semi-rigid timetables (some modern paratransit systems).

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Doping in Sport


Doping in Sport

"The public have a right to be able to watch sport and believe in the purity and quality of the performances and youngsters taking up sport for the first time need to know that they can compete fairly to the best of their ability and progress as far as they are capable of doing." -

Paula Radcliffe

What is Doping?

'Doping' is the word used in sport when athletes use prohibited substances or methods to unfairly improve their sporting performance.


What is Anti-Doping?

'Anti-doping' is the bid to eliminate doping from sport.  

Why is drug-free sport important?

'Life is too short. Be 100% yourself. Be 100% natural. Be 100% drug-free.' -

Sarah Bailey, Paralympic Swimmer and Paralympic Gold Medallist 


If you've ever watched a race, a game of football or another sport you love and cheered on your favourite athlete or team to victory, then imagine how meaningless that victory would become if your favourite athlete had used drugs to succeed.

Sport is an important part of the spirit of the nation and generates positive role models for young people. The most important thing of all is the way sport is played. It is crucial that across all sports there is a commitment to fair play. Cheating is unacceptable and contrary to the spirit of sport.  Doping violates important values of fairness, camaraderie and human endeavour. For all athletes, it is important that their performances are true, without unethical practices.

Why is doping in sport prohibited?

The use of doping substances or doping methods to enhance performance is fundamentally wrong and is detrimental to the overall impact of sport. Drug misuse can be harmful to an athlete's health or to other athletes competing in the sport. It severely damages the integrity, image and value of sport, whether or not the motivation to use drugs is to improve performance.

To achieve integrity and fairness in sport, a commitment from athletes is critical, but the fans watching their favourite athletes competing also need to demand that athletes succeed.

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