Murach's SQL Server 2012 for Developers زبان انگلیسی
Murach\'s SQL Server 2012 for Developers زبان انگلیسی
Murach's SQL Server 2012 for Developers زبان انگلیسی
Shortcut های مهم و کاربردی در SQL Server 2012
نخستین دوره، MCSE 2012 از Training signal هست.
درسهای Course 411
Advanced Reservoir Management and Engineering, second edition, ELSEVIER, 2012
700 صفحه
Chapter 1: Well Testing Anlaysis
Chapter 2: Water Influx
Chapter 3: Unconventional Gas Reservoirs
Ch.4: Performance of Oil Reservoirs
Ch.5: Predicting Oil Reservoir Performance
Ch.6: Introduction to Enhanced Oil Recovery
Ch. 7: Economic Analysis
Ch.8: Financial Analysis
Ch.9:Professionalism and Ethics
شما می توانید استاندارد های مورد نیاز خود را از طریق elmifile@gmail.com به ما اعلام کنید
تا در اسرع وقت در فروشگاه ثبت و به شما اطلاع رسانی گردد...
استاندارد ASTM E23
در خصوص تست ضربه روی میله شکاف دار
مواد فلزی
Standard Test Methods for
Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials
These test methods describe notched-bar impact testing
of metallic materials by the Charpy (simple-beam) test and the
Izod (cantilever-beam) test. They give the requirements for:
test specimens, test procedures, test reports, test machines (see Annex A1) verifying Charpy impact machines (see Annex A2), optional test specimen configurations (see Annex A3), designation of test specimen orientation (see Terminology E1823), and determining the percent of shear fracture on the surface of broken impact specimens (see Annex A4). In addition, information is provided on the significance of notched-bar impact testing (see Appendix X1), and methods of measuring the center of strike (see Appendix X2).