نیک فایل

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

نیک فایل

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

مقاله درمورد Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) Network

اختصاصی از نیک فایل مقاله درمورد Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) Network دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

مقاله درمورد Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) Network

 مقاله درمورد Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) Network

لینک دانلود و خرید پایین توضیحات

فرمت فایل word  و قابل ویرایش و پرینت

تعداد صفحات: 11


Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) Network


Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) Network

The Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) Network exists to support the growth and vitality of Organizational Behavior Management. This site contains articles and information on the science of applying behavior analysis to business to improve organizational performance and safety.

What is Organizational Behavior Management (OBM)?

Organizational Behavior Management practices help organizations to get the results they want.

Organizational Behavior Management practices produce significant and measurable outcomes.

Organizational Behavior Management comprises a research base of methods and applications with proven effectivenesss in the areas of work motivation, supervisory effectiveness, leadership and executive coaching, injury reduction, quality improvement, change management, incentive and reward systems, reinforcement and feedback systems, performance management, and behavior-based safety.

Organizational Behavior Management has demonstrated performance improvements of more than 100% and savings of millions of dollars in many industries, including: Chemical and petro-chemical, financial, human services, manufacturing, paper, transportation, utilities, and many others!

Organizational Behavior Management is the only scientific approach to improving performance by applying the concepts and principles of applied behavior analysis. Behavior analysis is the psychology aimed at how environmental variables affect behavior. Applying the science of behavior analysis is the only sure way to fully understand behavior at both the organizational and individual levels.

Some of our featured free articles:

A Systems Critique of Gilbert’s PIP’s

In Human Competence: Engineering Worthy Performance, Gilbert describes a seven step ‘performance audit’. Accomplishments and requirements are identified and then exemplar and typical performances are determined. An index of Potential for Improvement Performance (PIP) is computed and then the value or ‘stakes’ of the improvement potential is assessed. Gilbert summarizes this process by stating, “Remember, our only reason for measuring is to discover our opportunities for performance engineering.”

 O Efeito do Observador

Na primeira edição de Values-based Safety Process, o autor Terry Mcsween escreveu "ninguém conduziu até agora uma pesquisa definitiva sobre os efeitos de empregados conduzindo observações nos seus próprios locais de trabalho" (p. 24). Nós achamos essa afirmação interessante e merecedora de uma investigação mais detalhada. Ao discutir esta questão com outros pesquisadores e praticantes da área, decidimos que existia interesse geral suficiente para que pesquisas adicionais sobre o processo de observação fossem realizadas. Muitos praticantes que foram questionados achavam que era evidente que empregados que conduziam observações a respeito da segurança de seus colegas trabalhavam de maneira mais segura como resultado de tais observações. No entanto, essa afirmação não havia sido cientificamente comprovada. Feedback e processos de observação são componentes críticos do gerenciamento de segurança comportamental (behavior-based safety, BBS), mas, curiosamente, existem vários estudos sobre os efeitos de feedback, enquanto estudos sobre os efeito da observação

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مقاله درمورد Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) Network

تحقیق درباره Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) Network

اختصاصی از نیک فایل تحقیق درباره Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) Network دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

تحقیق درباره Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) Network

تحقیق درباره Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) Network

لینک دانلود و خرید پایین توضیحات

فرمت فایل word  و قابل ویرایش و پرینت

تعداد صفحات: 11


Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) Network


Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) Network

The Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) Network exists to support the growth and vitality of Organizational Behavior Management. This site contains articles and information on the science of applying behavior analysis to business to improve organizational performance and safety.

What is Organizational Behavior Management (OBM)?

Organizational Behavior Management practices help organizations to get the results they want.

Organizational Behavior Management practices produce significant and measurable outcomes.

Organizational Behavior Management comprises a research base of methods and applications with proven effectivenesss in the areas of work motivation, supervisory effectiveness, leadership and executive coaching, injury reduction, quality improvement, change management, incentive and reward systems, reinforcement and feedback systems, performance management, and behavior-based safety.

Organizational Behavior Management has demonstrated performance improvements of more than 100% and savings of millions of dollars in many industries, including: Chemical and petro-chemical, financial, human services, manufacturing, paper, transportation, utilities, and many others!

Organizational Behavior Management is the only scientific approach to improving performance by applying the concepts and principles of applied behavior analysis. Behavior analysis is the psychology aimed at how environmental variables affect behavior. Applying the science of behavior analysis is the only sure way to fully understand behavior at both the organizational and individual levels.

Some of our featured free articles:

A Systems Critique of Gilbert’s PIP’s

In Human Competence: Engineering Worthy Performance, Gilbert describes a seven step ‘performance audit’. Accomplishments and requirements are identified and then exemplar and typical performances are determined. An index of Potential for Improvement Performance (PIP) is computed and then the value or ‘stakes’ of the improvement potential is assessed. Gilbert summarizes this process by stating, “Remember, our only reason for measuring is to discover our opportunities for performance engineering.”

 O Efeito do Observador

Na primeira edição de Values-based Safety Process, o autor Terry Mcsween escreveu "ninguém conduziu até agora uma pesquisa definitiva sobre os efeitos de empregados conduzindo observações nos seus próprios locais de trabalho" (p. 24). Nós achamos essa afirmação interessante e merecedora de uma investigação mais detalhada. Ao discutir esta questão com outros pesquisadores e praticantes da área, decidimos que existia interesse geral suficiente para que pesquisas adicionais sobre o processo de observação fossem realizadas. Muitos praticantes que foram questionados achavam que era evidente que empregados que conduziam observações a respeito da segurança de seus colegas trabalhavam de maneira mais segura como resultado de tais observações. No entanto, essa afirmação não havia sido cientificamente comprovada. Feedback e processos de observação são componentes críticos do gerenciamento de segurança comportamental (behavior-based safety, BBS), mas, curiosamente, existem vários estudos sobre os efeitos de feedback, enquanto estudos sobre os efeito da observação

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تحقیق درباره Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) Network

Effect of die design parameters on the deformation behavior in pure shear extrusion/تاثیر پارامتر های طراحی قالب برروی رفتار تغ

اختصاصی از نیک فایل Effect of die design parameters on the deformation behavior in pure shear extrusion/تاثیر پارامتر های طراحی قالب برروی رفتار تغییر شکل در اکستروژن برشی خالص دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

چکیده مقاله ترجمه شده


تاثیر پارامترهای طراحی قالب از منظر نسبت قطر و طول ناحیه تغییر شکل بر روی توزیع موثر کرنش ، کسر پر شدگی  کانال خروجی قالب و بار پرسکاری در اکستروژن برشی خالص با استفاده از روش المان محدود مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. اندازه‌گیری های پایدار ابعادی، بار پرسکاری و سختی، برای اعتبار‌سنجی پیش‌بینی‌های به دست امده از شبیه‌سازی مورد استفاده قرار گرفته است. نزدیکی قابل ملاحظه ای بین پیش‌بینی های حاصل از شبیه سازی و نتایج تجربی مشاهده شد. مشخص شد که کرنش به صورت غیریکنواخت توزیع شده است به گونه‌ای که مقدار آن از بخش های مرکزی به بخش های کناری افزایش می‌یابد. کرنش موثر، غیریکنواختی کرنش، کسر پر شده از کانال خروجی قالب و بار پرسکاری، با افزایشِ نسبتِ قطر افزایش پیدا میکند. علاوه بر این، قطعه‌ی کار، تحت بار پرسکاری کمتر، با افزایش طول منطقه تغییر شکل، به صورت یکنواخت‌تری تغییر شکل داد. به هر حال، در ابتدا با افزایش طول ناحیه تغییر شکل تا 60 میلی‌متر، قسمت پر شده کانال خروجی قالب، افزایش یافته و پس از آن کاهش پیدا میکند. پارامترهای بهینه برای طراحی قالب که پوشش دهنده محدوده کرنش موثر قابل قبول ، یکنواختی کرنش و کسر پر شده کانال خروجی قالب و بارگذاری پرسکاری باشد، به ترتیب برای طول ناحیه تغییر شکل و نسبت قطر برابر با 60 mm و 2 پیشنهاد شده است  .


چکیده مقاله انگلیسی


Influences of die design parameters in terms of diameter ratio and length of the deformation zone on the distribution of effective strain, filling fraction of the die exit channel and pressing load in pure shear extrusion (PSE) are studied using finite element method (FEM). Dimensional stability, pressing load and hardness measurements are used to validate the predictions of the simulation. Acceptable agreements between the predictions of simulation and experimental results are observed. It is found that strain is inhomogeneously distributed which increases from the center to the corners. Effective strain, inhomogeneity of strain, filling fraction of the die exit channel and pressing load are increased with increasing diameter ratio. In addition, the work-piece is deformed more homogeneously at lower pressing load by increasing the length of deformation zone. However, filling fraction of the die exit channel initially increases by the length of the deformation zone up to 60 mm after which it reduces. The optimum die design parameters covering a range of acceptable effective strain and strain homogeneity, filling fraction of the die exit channel and pressing load are proposed as being 60 mm and 2 for length of the deformation zone and diameter ratio, respectively.

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Effect of die design parameters on the deformation behavior in pure shear extrusion/تاثیر پارامتر های طراحی قالب برروی رفتار تغییر شکل در اکستروژن برشی خالص

پاورپوینت رفتار سازمانیORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR

اختصاصی از نیک فایل پاورپوینت رفتار سازمانیORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

رفتار سازمانی



Eبخش اول : مبانی رفتار سازمانی
Eبخش دوم :  رفتار فردی

بخش سوم :  رفتار گروهی 


امروزه دیگر مطمئن هستیم که موفقیت سازمان مستقیماً به استفاده موثر نیروی انسانی بستگی دارد و مدیر موفق مدیری است که بتواند به خوبی از افراد خود بهره برده و توان آنها را بکار گیرد.

برای این منظور مدیر باید یکسری مهارت و توانایی را داشته باشد که در مبحث رفتار سازمانی به آنها پرداخته میشود

مدیران به چیزی نیاز دارند که بتوانند هم از رفتار مشهود و هم از رفتار نامشهود و پنهان کارگر و کارمند و آنچه که در درون آنها می گذرد پی ببرند.

مدیران به آن نیاز دارند که بدانند ،اگر در صورت و ظاهر افراد عدم رضایتی نمی بینند دلیل آن نیست که در درون آنها بغض و کینه نسبت به آنها وجود ندارد.



ویلیام جیمز استاد دانشگاه هاروارد  در تحقیقات خود به این نتیجه رسید که کارکنان روزمزد برای آنکه کارشان را داشته باشند بعبارت دیگر برای آنکه اخراج نشوند کافیست که 20 تا 30 درصد ظرفیت کاری خودرابه کاراندازند.
مطالعات او نشان داد که اگر کارکنان به نحو شایسته انگیخته شوند کارایی شان به 80 تا 90 درصد خواهد رسید.

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پاورپوینت رفتار سازمانیORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR