نیک فایل

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

نیک فایل

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

پاورپوینت واحد شیرین سازی گاز (Gas Sweetening Unit )

اختصاصی از نیک فایل پاورپوینت واحد شیرین سازی گاز (Gas Sweetening Unit ) دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

پاورپوینت واحد شیرین سازی گاز (Gas Sweetening Unit )

پاورپوینت واحد شیرین سازی گاز (Gas Sweetening Unit )

لینک پرداخت و دانلود در "پایین مطلب"

 فرمت فایل: powerpoint (قابل ویرایش و آماده پرینت)

 تعداد اسلاید:6

یک انشعاب از گازهای خروجی جداکننده های سکوی AB به منظور تامین سوخت توربوژنراتورها مستقر روی این سکو وارد واحد آمین میگردد . این واحد برای جدا کردن H2S همراه گاز مورد استفاده قرار میگیرد . برج Contactor  محل تبادل H2S موجود در گاز در سکوی AB و واحد احیای آمین در سکوی آمین بین پل مشعل قرار دارد.

گاز طبیعی پس از عبور از Filter Separator (PB-F-212) در دمای 43C و فشار 6.0 بار وارد کنتاکتور میشود . در فیلتر هیدرو کربنهای مایع ، آب آزاد و ذرات مواد دیگر از گاز زدوده شده و از کنترل ولوهای LV-2709 A , B به سیستم کلوزد درین هدایت میگردد. گاز طبیعی عاری از مایعات از پائین وارد کنتاکتور  (PB-V-210) میشود. گاز از میان  پکینگها Structured Packing) ) با جهت مخالف Lean Amine  عبور کرده و با جذب H2S مقدار آن را درگاز به کمتر از 100 ppm کاهش میدهد. گاز طبیعی شیرین کنتاکتور را از قسمت فوقانی در دمای 54 C   ترک میکند. و سپس مسیری از آن جهت تامین سوخت ریبویلر منشعب میشود. ( البته از Inlet Scrubber  پکیج کمپرسورهای گاز )

دانلود با لینک مستقیم

پاورپوینت واحد شیرین سازی گاز (Gas Sweetening Unit )

واحدآسفالت گیری DEAsphalting Unit 38 صفحه

اختصاصی از نیک فایل واحدآسفالت گیری DEAsphalting Unit 38 صفحه دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

لینک دانلود و خرید پایین توضیحات

فرمت فایل word  و قابل ویرایش و پرینت

تعداد صفحات: 38


واحدآسفالت گیری

DEAsphalting Unit

خوراک این بخش به نام از برج تقطیر پالایشگاه تهران به مقدار 5000 شبکه در روز تامین می شود. این بخش وظیفه جداسازی آسفالت خشک از روغن DAO(Deasphalted oil) را که روغنی با ویسکوزیته بالا و بسیار گران قیمت است دارد. آسفالت خشک نیز که بسیار با ارزش و گران قیمت است نهایتاً به صورت جامد وارد بازار می شود. به صورت کلی عملکرد واحد PDA به دو مرحله تقسیم می‌شود: در مرحله اول با حضور حلال مربوطه (پروپان) آسفالت و روغن جدا می ‌شوند مرحله بعد که بخش اعظم این بخش را تشکیل می‌دهد شامل بازیافت حلال پروپان از روغن و آسفالت است.

خوراک توسط پمپ چرخدنده‌ای 5001 gear pump از مخزن V-5002 (vessel) یا در حالت خاص مستقیماً از زیر برج تقطیر درخلا به مخزن یکنواخت کننده V-lll5 وارد می شود. وظیفه این مخزن علاوه بر یکنواخت سازی جریان و جلوگیری ازتلاطم بیش از حد این است که به ما این امکان را می‌دهد تا اولاً از بکارگیری یک پمپ قوی به جای P-5001 جلوگیری شود و ثانیاً از قرارگرفتن به صورت سری جلوگیری شود. در این مخزن یک کنترل کننده سطح Level indicator) controllev ( LIC- 1101 قرار دارد وقتی ارتفاع به مقدار لازم رسید دریچه خروجی را باز می کند همچنین در این Vessel دو شاخه عبوری Steam وجود دارد که روغن در مجاورت لوله‌های بخار مافوق گرم تا 95 درجه گرم می‌شود. تا حرکت آن درمسیر راحتتر انجام شود خوراک خروجی از V-1115 توسط پمپ lll2 که آن نیز یک gear pump است به مبدل آب گرم E- ll01 Exchanger می رود قبل از رسیدن خوراک به مبدل جریان توسط یک شیر کنترل تنظیم می شود (FRC 1101) اگر جریان ورودی به پمپ کاهش یابد شیر کنترل باز شده مقداری از جریان خروجی پمپ به قبل از پمپ باز می‌گردد از آنجا که این پمپها برای مواد با ویسکوزیته بالا طراحی شده اند و یکطرفه می‌باشند باید دقت کرد که حتماً خروجی پمپ باز باشد. همچنین خود پمپ توسط بخار 60 پوندی گرم می شود تا از ماسیدگی روغن که در این لحظه دارای واکس- آسفالت و مواد آروماتیک است و به راحتی ماسیده می‌شود جلوگیری کند. فشار در این پمپ تا حدود (160-180) پوند بالا می‌رود. دلیل گرم کردن اولیه ما اولاً هوازدایی و ثانیاً راحتتر شدن کار پمپ بود. سپس از E-ll01 شروع بر سردکردن خوراک می‌کنیم ابتدا در E-ll01 به وسیله آب گرم 60o دمای آن را تقریباً تا 75 درجه پایین می‌آوریم. علت استفاده از آب گرم این است که سردکردن ناگهانی روغن باعث بوجود آمدن واکس جامد و همچنین ماسیدگی آسفالت و روغن درمبدل می‌شود در نتیجه باید به آرامی خوراک را سرد کنیم.

از طرفی چنانچه درمبدل E-ll01 آن را خنک نکنیم به محض ورد پروپان در دمای بالا آسفالت جدا شده به مسیر می‌چسبد و باعث مسدود شدن آن می شود.

پس از عبور خوراک از E-ll01 به مقصود پایین آمدن ویسکوزیته و راحتی کار جداسازی یک شاخه پرویان به نسبت یک به یک به خوراک می‌زنیم از آنجا که دما برای ورود به مخزن جدا ساز V-ll01 (extractor) هنوز بالا است نخست آن را وارد مبدل کرده و سپس وارد extractor می‌کنیم. extractor دارای 26 سینی بصورت ناوادانی می‌باشد و شماره سینی‌ها از بالا به پایین است خوراک به سینی 9 و 13 و پروپان به سینی 21 و 26 که در انتها قرار دارد وارد می ‌شوند حلال پروپان ثانویه ورودی به extractor که وارد سینی های 24 و 26 می شود حلال با نسبت یک به خوراک است. حلال بخار شده به سمت بالا و خوراک به سمت پایین حرکت می‌کنند حلال ذرات روغن را در خود حل کرده به بالا می برد، آسفالت جدا شده از روغن که در پروپان کم تر می‌شود و سنگین است به پایین اکستراکتور آمده از آنجا خارج می‌ شود. روغن خروجی نیز از بالا خارج می‌شود %70 حلال ما از بالا با روغن و %30 حلال همراه آسفالت از پایین خارج می‌شود.

در داخل extractor4 مسیر 3 شاخه‌ای بخار مافوق گرم کنترل دمای بالا و پایین extractor وجود دارد تا شیب حرارتی موجود در این وسل (Vessel) را حفظ کند دمای بالای extractor تقریباً 70oC دمای پایین آن تقریباً است علت اصلی جدا شدن روغن از آسفالت همین شیب حرارتی و استفاده از دمای جوش محلول پروپان و روغن است.

همچنین در بالای (اکستراکتور) شیر اطمینان قرار دارد که چنانچه فشار از 32 باربالاتر رود شیر اطمینان باز می شود تا فشار کاهش یابد هدف ما نگه داشتن فشار در حدود تقریباً 30 بار است.

عمل بازیافت حلال بوسیله گرم کردن محلول و سپس پایین آوردن فشار جزئی بخار با استفاده بخار آب و پایین آوردن فشار سیستم انجام می‌گیرد.

جدا سازی پروپان از آسفالت

آسفالت همراه پروپان از پایین (V-1101) extractor tower بوسیله پمپ P1111 بعد از عبور از شیر کنترل FRC- ll03 که مقدار جریان مایع خروجی از ته اکسترکتور را کنترل می‌کند وارد کوره 1101 می شود. وظیفه control valve قرار گرفته در انتهای اکستراکتور (FRC-1103) این است که level آسفالت ته extractor را کنترل کند. و چنانچه جریان کم شود ازبعد از پمپ P-llll مقداری جریان را به پایین extractor برگرداند دمای آسفالت و پروپان در کوره به o260 می‌رسد در پمپ p-llll فشار تا 200 GPM بالا رفته بود. در کوره یک TC (کنترل کننده‌ دما) وجود دارد که چنانچه دما پایین بیاید فرمان می دهد که گاز بیشتری وارد کوره برای سوختن شود آسفالت در دیواره کوره جریان پیدا کرده و در تماس مستقیم با شعله در جریان نیست آسفالت بعد از خروج وارد و V-1107 با نام می‌شود . در گذشته ماده‌ای به نام آنتی فوم به مسیر بعد از کوره اضافه می شده که پف و موم آسفالت را بگیرد اما از آنجا که ما امروزه نمی‌توانیم این ماده را در کشور تولید کنیم لذا آسفالت از کناره V-ll07 به درون آن سرازیر می شود و در اینجا فوم آن گرفته شده و گازها از بالای فلش درام و آسفالت همراه با مقداری حلال از پایین آن خارج می شوند.

بخارهای بلند شده از flash dram در یک مبدل E-ll0 8 با آب سرد تبادل حرارت می‌دهد و condence می‌شود. این عمل باعث ایجاد یک فشار منفی در بالای flashdrum می‌گردد. که این مکش وظیفه تداوم جابجایی بخارات پروپان در مسیر را دارد. پروپان با کمی آسفالت (بسیار جزئی) وارد بوت آسفالت محزن V-lll7 مربوط پروپان می‌شود که بعداً توضیح آن داده خواهد شد. آسفالت خروجی از پایین flash drum پس از عبور از LIC 1108که وظیفه کنترل Level آسفالت در flash drum را دارد از بالا وارد V-ll03 به نام

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واحدآسفالت گیری DEAsphalting Unit 38 صفحه

Learn to Speak Japanese Level One Unit Twenty Nine

اختصاصی از نیک فایل Learn to Speak Japanese Level One Unit Twenty Nine دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

Learn to Speak Japanese Level One Unit Twenty Nine

Learn to Speak Japanese Level One Unit Twenty Nine

Speak Japanese like a native!



It’s now possible to speak and understand a foreign language effortlessly. The world-famous Pimsleur Method™ combines well-established research, most-useful vocabulary and a completely intuitive process to get you speaking right from the first day. All Pimsleur® courses feature real-world context and flexible vocabulary enabling you to learn your new language in a fluid, natural way. It’s the simplest way to start speaking a new language today.

Japanese is spoken by about approximately 122 million people in Japan. There are also speakers in the Ryukyu Islands, Korea, Taiwan, parts of the US, and Brazil. Pimsleur's Japanese teaches a polite level of Japanese appropriate for most situations in Japan. Learn Japanese today with Pimsleur.


You can download the first lesson for free from Here.


You can download the text books for free from Here.


You can download level I audio guide for free from Here.




120 lessons, culture notes and Hiragana reading instruction (64 hours) as MP3 download, plus a User's Guide, Notes and Reading Booklet.

The Easiest and Fastest Way to Learn Japanese
Did you know that about 122 million people in Japan, and another 8 million worldwide speak Japanese? For Americans, it’s perceived as a difficult language to learn, but in fact, it’s quite regular. Once you get the basics down, you’ll be surprised how quickly you’re able to begin speaking it. And even knowing a little bit of the language will make travel to Japan far easier, and much more fun. Whether your goal is to travel, communicate with friends or colleagues, reconnect with family, or just understand more of what’s going on in the world around you, learning to speak Japanese will expand your horizons and immeasurably enrich your life.

The best part is that it doesn’t have to be difficult or take years to master. Thirty minutes a day is all it takes. Because Pimsleur courses are available in MP3 format, you can learn whenever and wherever it’s convenient for you. But it’s not just portable; we get you speaking right from the first day. Pimsleur courses use a scientifically-proven method that puts you in control of your learning. If you’ve tried other language learning methods but found they simply didn’t stick, then you owe it to yourself to give Pimsleur a try.

Why Pimsleur?
- Quick + Easy – Only 30 minutes a day.
- Portable + Flexible – Core lessons can be done anytime, anywhere, and easily fit into your busy life.
- Proven Method – Works when other methods fail.
- Self-Paced – Go fast or go slow – it’s up to you.
- Based in Science – Developed using proven research on memory and learning.
- Cost-effective – Less expensive than classes or immersion, and features all native speakers.
- Genius – Triggers your brain’s natural aptitude to learn.
- Works for everyone – Recommended for ages 13 and above.

What’s Included in Japanese Levels 1-4?
- 120, 30-minute audio lessons
- Approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes of reading instruction
- Approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes of culture notes
- In total, approximately 64 hours of audio, all featuring native speakers
- an audio version of the User's Guide
- A PDF version of the Reading Booklet, Notes, and User’s Guide
- Access to the Pimsleur Course Manager APP for iPad, iPhone and Android devices, and Mac or Windows computers.

What You’ll Learn
This program includes all of Japanese Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 – 60 hours spoken language practice, culture notes, and reading instruction. With this program you start from zero, first learning survival phrases and vocabulary, and eventually progressing to a high-intermediate level of speaking and understanding Japanese. Every lesson contains an introductory conversation and isolated vocabulary and structures, as well as full practice of all vocabulary introduced. The emphasis is on pronunciation and comprehension to promote proficiency in spoken Japanese. At the completion of this program, you’ll be speaking and understanding Japanese with near-fluency and with impressive conversational skills.

Reading and Writing in Japanese
By the 5th century AD Chinese characters began to be widely used in Japan. This early alphabet, Kanji, created new literacy, but brought many complications in pronunciation. In the 8th century, two new phonetic alphabets, or kana, were devised to bridge the gap: Hiragana and Katakana. Hiragana is used along with the Kanji to show the syllables that form suffixes and particles – “sounds” in other words, while Katakana was used for foreign loan words, like “coffee” or “computer.” Today in Japan, the three writing systems are combined, with Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana all appearing within a single sentence.

In Japanese 4 you will begin to learn to read the Hiragana alphabet. There are forty-six basic Hiragana syllables, with additional modified syllables that represent voiced and contracted sounds. Japanese is usually written from top to bottom in vertical columns and from right to left.

This course will expand your vocabulary, encourage you to share your opinions and interests, introduce you to less formal conversations, and help you to venture out to new travel destinations in Japan. You’ll learn to share your impressions and opinions, express gratitude, describe people and places, and convey your preferences with characteristic Japanese politeness and grace.

Culture Notes are included at the ends of Levels 1, 2, and 3. Totaling about three hours, these Notes are designed to provide you with background information on the language and insight into Japanese culture.

The Pimsleur Method
We make no secret of what makes this powerful method work so well. Paul Pimsleur spent his career researching and perfecting the precise elements anyone can use to learn a language quickly and easily. Here are a few of his “secrets”:

The Principal of Anticipation
In the nanosecond between a cue and your response, your brain has to work to come up with the right word. Having to do this boosts retention, and cements the word in your mind.

Core Vocabulary
Words, phrases, and sentences are selected for their usefulness in everyday conversation. We don’t overwhelm you with too much, but steadily increase your ability with every lesson.

Graduated Interval Recall
Reminders of new words and structures come up at the exact interval for maximum retention and storage into your long-term memory.

Organic Learning
You work on multiple aspects of the language simultaneously. We integrate grammar, vocabulary, rhythm, melody, and intonation into every lesson, which allows you to experience the language as a living, expressive form of human culture.

Constant Feedback Loop + Build-in Testing
Pimsleur’s unique system of cues and responses provides a constant feedback loop. You can test yourself as you go, and make incremental corrections in creating and refining cohesive, clear responses.

Gives You a Solid Foundation
Each lesson and Level builds on the ones before it and in turn sets the framework for the lessons and Levels that follow. Learn what you need to prosper and to build a foundation to future learning.

The Japanese Language
Japanese has many “registers” or levels of politeness. Throughout every level of your Pimsleur course, you will learn how to speak at a polite register, which is appropriate in virtually any situation you are likely to encounter in Japan.

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Learn to Speak Japanese Level One Unit Twenty Nine

Learn to Speak Japanese Level One Unit Twenty One

اختصاصی از نیک فایل Learn to Speak Japanese Level One Unit Twenty One دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

Learn to Speak Japanese Level One Unit Twenty One

Learn to Speak Japanese Level One Unit Twenty One

Speak Japanese like a native!



It’s now possible to speak and understand a foreign language effortlessly. The world-famous Pimsleur Method™ combines well-established research, most-useful vocabulary and a completely intuitive process to get you speaking right from the first day. All Pimsleur® courses feature real-world context and flexible vocabulary enabling you to learn your new language in a fluid, natural way. It’s the simplest way to start speaking a new language today.

Japanese is spoken by about approximately 122 million people in Japan. There are also speakers in the Ryukyu Islands, Korea, Taiwan, parts of the US, and Brazil. Pimsleur's Japanese teaches a polite level of Japanese appropriate for most situations in Japan. Learn Japanese today with Pimsleur.


You can download the first lesson for free from Here.


You can download the text books for free from Here.


You can download level I audio guide for free from Here.




120 lessons, culture notes and Hiragana reading instruction (64 hours) as MP3 download, plus a User's Guide, Notes and Reading Booklet.

The Easiest and Fastest Way to Learn Japanese
Did you know that about 122 million people in Japan, and another 8 million worldwide speak Japanese? For Americans, it’s perceived as a difficult language to learn, but in fact, it’s quite regular. Once you get the basics down, you’ll be surprised how quickly you’re able to begin speaking it. And even knowing a little bit of the language will make travel to Japan far easier, and much more fun. Whether your goal is to travel, communicate with friends or colleagues, reconnect with family, or just understand more of what’s going on in the world around you, learning to speak Japanese will expand your horizons and immeasurably enrich your life.

The best part is that it doesn’t have to be difficult or take years to master. Thirty minutes a day is all it takes. Because Pimsleur courses are available in MP3 format, you can learn whenever and wherever it’s convenient for you. But it’s not just portable; we get you speaking right from the first day. Pimsleur courses use a scientifically-proven method that puts you in control of your learning. If you’ve tried other language learning methods but found they simply didn’t stick, then you owe it to yourself to give Pimsleur a try.

Why Pimsleur?
- Quick + Easy – Only 30 minutes a day.
- Portable + Flexible – Core lessons can be done anytime, anywhere, and easily fit into your busy life.
- Proven Method – Works when other methods fail.
- Self-Paced – Go fast or go slow – it’s up to you.
- Based in Science – Developed using proven research on memory and learning.
- Cost-effective – Less expensive than classes or immersion, and features all native speakers.
- Genius – Triggers your brain’s natural aptitude to learn.
- Works for everyone – Recommended for ages 13 and above.

What’s Included in Japanese Levels 1-4?
- 120, 30-minute audio lessons
- Approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes of reading instruction
- Approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes of culture notes
- In total, approximately 64 hours of audio, all featuring native speakers
- an audio version of the User's Guide
- A PDF version of the Reading Booklet, Notes, and User’s Guide
- Access to the Pimsleur Course Manager APP for iPad, iPhone and Android devices, and Mac or Windows computers.

What You’ll Learn
This program includes all of Japanese Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 – 60 hours spoken language practice, culture notes, and reading instruction. With this program you start from zero, first learning survival phrases and vocabulary, and eventually progressing to a high-intermediate level of speaking and understanding Japanese. Every lesson contains an introductory conversation and isolated vocabulary and structures, as well as full practice of all vocabulary introduced. The emphasis is on pronunciation and comprehension to promote proficiency in spoken Japanese. At the completion of this program, you’ll be speaking and understanding Japanese with near-fluency and with impressive conversational skills.

Reading and Writing in Japanese
By the 5th century AD Chinese characters began to be widely used in Japan. This early alphabet, Kanji, created new literacy, but brought many complications in pronunciation. In the 8th century, two new phonetic alphabets, or kana, were devised to bridge the gap: Hiragana and Katakana. Hiragana is used along with the Kanji to show the syllables that form suffixes and particles – “sounds” in other words, while Katakana was used for foreign loan words, like “coffee” or “computer.” Today in Japan, the three writing systems are combined, with Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana all appearing within a single sentence.

In Japanese 4 you will begin to learn to read the Hiragana alphabet. There are forty-six basic Hiragana syllables, with additional modified syllables that represent voiced and contracted sounds. Japanese is usually written from top to bottom in vertical columns and from right to left.

This course will expand your vocabulary, encourage you to share your opinions and interests, introduce you to less formal conversations, and help you to venture out to new travel destinations in Japan. You’ll learn to share your impressions and opinions, express gratitude, describe people and places, and convey your preferences with characteristic Japanese politeness and grace.

Culture Notes are included at the ends of Levels 1, 2, and 3. Totaling about three hours, these Notes are designed to provide you with background information on the language and insight into Japanese culture.

The Pimsleur Method
We make no secret of what makes this powerful method work so well. Paul Pimsleur spent his career researching and perfecting the precise elements anyone can use to learn a language quickly and easily. Here are a few of his “secrets”:

The Principal of Anticipation
In the nanosecond between a cue and your response, your brain has to work to come up with the right word. Having to do this boosts retention, and cements the word in your mind.

Core Vocabulary
Words, phrases, and sentences are selected for their usefulness in everyday conversation. We don’t overwhelm you with too much, but steadily increase your ability with every lesson.

Graduated Interval Recall
Reminders of new words and structures come up at the exact interval for maximum retention and storage into your long-term memory.

Organic Learning
You work on multiple aspects of the language simultaneously. We integrate grammar, vocabulary, rhythm, melody, and intonation into every lesson, which allows you to experience the language as a living, expressive form of human culture.

Constant Feedback Loop + Build-in Testing
Pimsleur’s unique system of cues and responses provides a constant feedback loop. You can test yourself as you go, and make incremental corrections in creating and refining cohesive, clear responses.

Gives You a Solid Foundation
Each lesson and Level builds on the ones before it and in turn sets the framework for the lessons and Levels that follow. Learn what you need to prosper and to build a foundation to future learning.

The Japanese Language
Japanese has many “registers” or levels of politeness. Throughout every level of your Pimsleur course, you will learn how to speak at a polite register, which is appropriate in virtually any situation you are likely to encounter in Japan.

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Learn to Speak Japanese Level One Unit Twenty One

Learn to Speak Japanese Level One Unit Eleven

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Learn to Speak Japanese Level One Unit Eleven

Learn to Speak Japanese Level One Unit Eleven

Speak Japanese like a native!



It’s now possible to speak and understand a foreign language effortlessly. The world-famous Pimsleur Method™ combines well-established research, most-useful vocabulary and a completely intuitive process to get you speaking right from the first day. All Pimsleur® courses feature real-world context and flexible vocabulary enabling you to learn your new language in a fluid, natural way. It’s the simplest way to start speaking a new language today.

Japanese is spoken by about approximately 122 million people in Japan. There are also speakers in the Ryukyu Islands, Korea, Taiwan, parts of the US, and Brazil. Pimsleur's Japanese teaches a polite level of Japanese appropriate for most situations in Japan. Learn Japanese today with Pimsleur.


You can download the first lesson for free from Here.


You can download the text books for free from Here.


You can download level I audio guide for free from Here.




120 lessons, culture notes and Hiragana reading instruction (64 hours) as MP3 download, plus a User's Guide, Notes and Reading Booklet.

The Easiest and Fastest Way to Learn Japanese
Did you know that about 122 million people in Japan, and another 8 million worldwide speak Japanese? For Americans, it’s perceived as a difficult language to learn, but in fact, it’s quite regular. Once you get the basics down, you’ll be surprised how quickly you’re able to begin speaking it. And even knowing a little bit of the language will make travel to Japan far easier, and much more fun. Whether your goal is to travel, communicate with friends or colleagues, reconnect with family, or just understand more of what’s going on in the world around you, learning to speak Japanese will expand your horizons and immeasurably enrich your life.

The best part is that it doesn’t have to be difficult or take years to master. Thirty minutes a day is all it takes. Because Pimsleur courses are available in MP3 format, you can learn whenever and wherever it’s convenient for you. But it’s not just portable; we get you speaking right from the first day. Pimsleur courses use a scientifically-proven method that puts you in control of your learning. If you’ve tried other language learning methods but found they simply didn’t stick, then you owe it to yourself to give Pimsleur a try.

Why Pimsleur?
- Quick + Easy – Only 30 minutes a day.
- Portable + Flexible – Core lessons can be done anytime, anywhere, and easily fit into your busy life.
- Proven Method – Works when other methods fail.
- Self-Paced – Go fast or go slow – it’s up to you.
- Based in Science – Developed using proven research on memory and learning.
- Cost-effective – Less expensive than classes or immersion, and features all native speakers.
- Genius – Triggers your brain’s natural aptitude to learn.
- Works for everyone – Recommended for ages 13 and above.

What’s Included in Japanese Levels 1-4?
- 120, 30-minute audio lessons
- Approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes of reading instruction
- Approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes of culture notes
- In total, approximately 64 hours of audio, all featuring native speakers
- an audio version of the User's Guide
- A PDF version of the Reading Booklet, Notes, and User’s Guide
- Access to the Pimsleur Course Manager APP for iPad, iPhone and Android devices, and Mac or Windows computers.

What You’ll Learn
This program includes all of Japanese Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 – 60 hours spoken language practice, culture notes, and reading instruction. With this program you start from zero, first learning survival phrases and vocabulary, and eventually progressing to a high-intermediate level of speaking and understanding Japanese. Every lesson contains an introductory conversation and isolated vocabulary and structures, as well as full practice of all vocabulary introduced. The emphasis is on pronunciation and comprehension to promote proficiency in spoken Japanese. At the completion of this program, you’ll be speaking and understanding Japanese with near-fluency and with impressive conversational skills.

Reading and Writing in Japanese
By the 5th century AD Chinese characters began to be widely used in Japan. This early alphabet, Kanji, created new literacy, but brought many complications in pronunciation. In the 8th century, two new phonetic alphabets, or kana, were devised to bridge the gap: Hiragana and Katakana. Hiragana is used along with the Kanji to show the syllables that form suffixes and particles – “sounds” in other words, while Katakana was used for foreign loan words, like “coffee” or “computer.” Today in Japan, the three writing systems are combined, with Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana all appearing within a single sentence.

In Japanese 4 you will begin to learn to read the Hiragana alphabet. There are forty-six basic Hiragana syllables, with additional modified syllables that represent voiced and contracted sounds. Japanese is usually written from top to bottom in vertical columns and from right to left.

This course will expand your vocabulary, encourage you to share your opinions and interests, introduce you to less formal conversations, and help you to venture out to new travel destinations in Japan. You’ll learn to share your impressions and opinions, express gratitude, describe people and places, and convey your preferences with characteristic Japanese politeness and grace.

Culture Notes are included at the ends of Levels 1, 2, and 3. Totaling about three hours, these Notes are designed to provide you with background information on the language and insight into Japanese culture.

The Pimsleur Method
We make no secret of what makes this powerful method work so well. Paul Pimsleur spent his career researching and perfecting the precise elements anyone can use to learn a language quickly and easily. Here are a few of his “secrets”:

The Principal of Anticipation
In the nanosecond between a cue and your response, your brain has to work to come up with the right word. Having to do this boosts retention, and cements the word in your mind.

Core Vocabulary
Words, phrases, and sentences are selected for their usefulness in everyday conversation. We don’t overwhelm you with too much, but steadily increase your ability with every lesson.

Graduated Interval Recall
Reminders of new words and structures come up at the exact interval for maximum retention and storage into your long-term memory.

Organic Learning
You work on multiple aspects of the language simultaneously. We integrate grammar, vocabulary, rhythm, melody, and intonation into every lesson, which allows you to experience the language as a living, expressive form of human culture.

Constant Feedback Loop + Build-in Testing
Pimsleur’s unique system of cues and responses provides a constant feedback loop. You can test yourself as you go, and make incremental corrections in creating and refining cohesive, clear responses.

Gives You a Solid Foundation
Each lesson and Level builds on the ones before it and in turn sets the framework for the lessons and Levels that follow. Learn what you need to prosper and to build a foundation to future learning.

The Japanese Language
Japanese has many “registers” or levels of politeness. Throughout every level of your Pimsleur course, you will learn how to speak at a polite register, which is appropriate in virtually any situation you are likely to encounter in Japan.

دانلود با لینک مستقیم

Learn to Speak Japanese Level One Unit Eleven