Effects of Zr on the precursor architecture and high-temperature nanostructure evolution of SiOC polymer-derived ceramics
ژورنال: Journal of the European Ceramic Society
سال: October 2015
قیمت اصلی: 35.95$
SiOC and SiZrOC ceramics were obtained starting from the hydrosilane system without and with zirconium n-propoxide (Zr(OnPr)4) by sol–gel route. The precursor architectures indicated that the presence of SiH bonds leads to a different cross-linking mechanism of SiZrOC precursor, where the Si
H bonds were involved in the formation of Si
Zr bonds. The presence of Zr caused a lower content of sp3 carbon in SiZrOC ceramics. At above 1400 °C, the sp3-C/Si ratio in both ceramics increased due to carbothermal reduction, especially rapidly for SiOC ceramics, suggesting the carbothermal reduction in SiZrOC ceramics has been strongly suppressed with the presence of ZrO2. Raman spectroscopy showed the graphitization degree of free carbon increased with temperature in both ceramics, but was always lower in SiZrOC ceramics. The SiZrOC ceramics has been found to exhibit remarkably high temperature stability with respect to carbothermal decomposition up to 1600 °C in comparison with the SiOC ceramics.
- SiZrOC polymer-derived ceramics;
- Precursor architecture;
- Nanostructure evolution;
- Free carbon
Effects of Zr on the precursor architecture and high-temperature nanostructure evolution of SiOC polymer-derived ceramics