کتاب NBCEC Beef Sire Selection Manual - National Beef Cattle Evaluation Consortium (2010)
Schwartz's Manual of Surgery" has become the resource of choice for both practicing physicians, residents, and even surgical clerkship students who are interested in a comprehensive, yet concise on-the-job manual detailing the most current practices and trends. This edition reflects the most extensive revisions ever with a greater focus on surgical techniques and a superb array of new visuals including more tables, charts, highlighted topics, radiologic images, and surgical procedures throughout. New to this edition include: staging tables for cancer, anesthesia guidance, pre-and-postoperative management of the surgical patient, and much more.
AWWA MANUAL M6 (Water Meters— Selection, Installation, Testing, and Maintenance) manual
رفرنس اصلی انجمن دستگاههای آبرسان آمریکا برای اندازه گیری جریان آب
کتاب MCNPX User Manual زبان اصلی
Version 2.1.5
November 14, 1999
Laurie S. Waters, editor
حجم فایل: 202 کیلوبایت
حل تمرین کتاب مبانی مهندسی مالی و مدیریت ریسک نوشته جان هال ویرایش هفتم (انگلیسی)